Ho sempre avuto una passione per le vacche da latte, avendo trascorso la mia infanzia nell’azienda di famiglia in cui viene prodotto il latte destinato alla produzione del Parmigiano Reggiano. Sono state quelle prime esperienze che mi hanno spinto a studiare per conseguire la laurea in Scienze Agrarie presso l’Università di Milano. Visitando diversi allevamenti […]

Ho sempre avuto un grande interesse per l’agricoltura. La mia passione e curiosità sono cresciute durante i miei studi in Scienze Agrarie seguendo il corso di Produzioni Animali presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Dopo la laurea, ho lavorato in un’ azienda agricola con allevamento a ciclo chiuso di bovini da carne razza limousine e due punti […]

Ho sviluppato la passione per la scienza alle scuole elementari grazie al mio maestro. Diplomato al liceo scientifico, mi sono poi laureato in Produzioni Animali a Padova. Ho iniziato subito a lavorare nel controllo qualità di in un caseificio e successivamente per un produttore di carne bovina seguendo l’amministrazione dei 5 siti di allevamento. Incuriosito […]
“Garry Kidner is our Promar farm business consultant, he works alongside us, formulating rations, preparing budget forecasts and monitoring business performance. The FBA package is excellent for providing comparison to budget and to previous years as well as generating KPI’S for benchmarking. We regard his input as vital to our farming success.”
“Charlotte visits us once a month, to complete our VAT return for us. On this visit she ensures our accounts are up to date and accurate and prints out reports to help us to construct our forward cashflow plan. Charlotte also sends the information over to our Promar consultant Emma Thompson, who then uses the data to assist us with making management decisions, and to our accountant at the end of the year to build the base of our tax accounts. I would highly recommend Promar to anyone wanting to grow and develop their business.”
Jones HFE Agriculture
“Charlotte has been coming to us for the past 3 and a half years, she provides a highly efficient service, completing our VAT returns and year end accounts. After each monthly visit she sends the data over to our accountant so they are able to complete quarterly tax accounts. More recently Charlotte introduced us to Mark Roue who we now have as our consultant, helping us drive the business forward. Charlotte and Mark work closely together to ensure the visits are effective and that the relevant information is shared with each other.”
Richard Hockenhull
“We use Andrew as a sounding board for our business. He provides detailed financial assessments and projections for the business and this helps us to challenge and question our decision making at every opportunity. We would have no hesitation in recommending Andrew’s services to other farmers.”