Stu Raw

Sustainability Analyst


  • Biodiversity
  • Agroecology
  • Scientific Communication
Stu Raw, Sustainability Analyst, Promar International

I joined Promar in 2023, after working in a variety of animal and science-based industries.  

I graduated from the University of Nottingham with BSc(hons) in Zoology in 2012. The following year, I completed an MSc in Biological Photography and Imaging – a communications degree aimed at delivering scientific information. In 2021, I gained a Postgraduate Diploma with Distinction in Ecological Applications from Harper Adams University. 

During my studies, I became particularly interested in utilising agroecology to incorporate biodiversity into agricultural systems.  

In my spare time, I am a keen photographer. I enter my wildlife and landscape photos for national competitions, and many have been shortlisted for prizes. I also enjoy playing hockey competitively for my local club, and recently returned to horse riding.