What we do
For more than 60 years Promar International has been a leading provider of consultancy services to farmers, food companies and retailers.
Our experience tells us that no two businesses are ever the same, even if they are similar in size, scope and scale. That is why we always take time to listen and understand you and your business before coming up with advice and recommendations.
We create and analyse a vast array of industry data to keep us at the forefront of trends and provide reliable evidence to back our advice.
Our people are nutritionists, vets, agronomists, environmentalists, marketeers, financial planners, strategists, data analysts, engineers and supply chain builders. We operate from the UK and work globally.
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How we do it
We have knowledge and expertise from many years of trading, providing a detailed awareness of industry changes, giving us the ability to make business decisions based on facts.
We have a highly skilled and motivated workforce delivering practical improvement services that meet the needs of our customers.
See what our specialists have to offer.
MMB – Period of disruption and hardship felt by milk producers was recognised by the British government.
MMB was set up to ensure that all milk produced on farm was collected and sold for the best price possible, the main concept was to have a “producer-run product marketing board”
The Cheese Board – A moment of crisis soon after its inception, when a large buyer cancelled its contract, leads to the Milk Marketing Board manufacturing the milk into cheese
“MMB Sponsored The Milk Race, cycle tour of Britain”
Longest sponsorship in the UK
Producing more silage than hay leading to a big investment in silage clamps and an overall increase in steel and technology on farm.
The way we provided consultancy began to change.
The average herd size was 30.
Breeding and Advice Services – Divided from MMB into Breeding and Advice Service
- There were livestock officers who would go out and buy bulls these then divided into LCP and changed to “Consulting Officers”
- Aim of this paid service was to cover the cost of the Breeding and Advice service- it was never to make a profit but to break even.
- Never to charge the milk producer
- LCP was not allowed to operate in Scotland and N Ireland
Foot and mouth outbreak- Detrimental effect on the UK industry.
ACRs – First introduced into the market.
UK joined the EU
“Need to begin thinking like Europeans and work together to provide a European solution”
MMB Mastitis service first introduced
Amalgamation of Milk Records and LCP (Lower Cost of Production) services.
Launch of the herd yield monitor.
Introduction of Milk quotas-
- Pain to industry
- Required a license to take part in the industry
- Stopped young farmers entering the industry
- Altering the advice, we give on farm
Mastitis labelled the hidden thief.
Brundtland Commission is to unite countries to pursue sustainable development together. The term sustainability has its most known roots in the 1987 Brundtland Report which officially defined sustainable development for the first time.
New Legislation – A Milk Marketing and Legislation Division was set up in MAFF to prepare new legislation for UK Milk Marketing Schemes.
Earth Summits were the direct result of the Brundtland Commission.
The end of the MMB – Under the terms of the Agricultural Marketing Act 1931, the Minister of Agriculture had powers to amend or revoke the Scheme or direct the Board: the scheme was amended sixteen times until it was revoked under the Agriculture Act 1993.
Combined pressure from trade competitors, the European Commission and the British government persuaded the Board that the organisation should become a voluntary co-operative. It did so in 1994, with the name Milk Marque.
Intention for the breeding division, advisory service and NMR to be combined.
- UK politics said we cannot be in business with a company whose data we use to prove our bulls
- Launched as separate Limited companies
- Name changed from LCP to FMS (Farm Management services)
First case of Mad Cow Disease reported.
Name changed to Axient from Farm Business Management Service
The beginning of Promar International.
Promar International formed their own sustainability team
In 2016 many world leaders adopted the United Nation’s 17 global goals/Sustainable Development Goals to improve life all around the world and preserve the earth’s resources and fight climate change.

We are proud to hold the Investors in People Silver Award. Investors In People (IIP) is based on 3 key areas, Plan, Do and Review.
Plan strategies to improve performance, Do the action to improve performance and Review the plan to seek to improve performance. This ensures that the company and its employees are aligned in improving the success of the business.
We are ISO 9001:2015 certified. All Promar processes are done in accordance with ISO 9001 standards as well as other relevant quality standards. Read our quality management policy.
Our Specialists

Since I joined Promar International in 2002, I have been part of many successful projects such as the Dairy Management Academy, cost of production models and producing FBA annual results. During my time here, I have managed several teams and have carried out numerous farm appraisals including SWOT analysis. I have worked on projects with […]

I joined Promar in the 1990s and have spent 25 years supporting clients to make positive changes to their businesses. My many years of involvement with the Institute of Agricultural Management, the Chartered Institute of Marketing’s food, drink and agricultural group and the City Food Lecture has also allowed me to improve my knowledge and […]