I need to setup sending my VAT Returns through Xero
Please see the Xero support page for detailed instructions
How do I file a VAT return on Xero?
Please see the Xero support page for detailed instructions
I haven't recieved my VAT return into the bank
Make sure your VAT return on Xero says ‘Filed’, rather than ‘Finalised’. If it has only been finalised, it will not have been submitted to HMRC.
How do I register for MTD?
Please follow this link to make sure you are properly registered with HMRC www.gov.uk/vat-record-keeping/making-tax-digital-for-vat
Need further support?
Xero Central: https://central.xero.com/s/.
Further support can also be found here: www.youtube.com/user/XeroOnlineAccounting
You can also contact your Analyst and the Promar helpline on 0845 200 1126